Tag Archives: dehydration

Summer in Austin, Texas

9 Jul

Well as you all know it is summer in Austin, Texas and it is really about to start feeling like it too. This week we will start getting into triple digit temperatures. So what does that mean? Well, it means that it is time to seek shade and cool off. Remember that hydration is very important in this kind of weather and shouldn’t be taken lightly. So next time you pick up that cup of coffee, tea or soda remember to have some water too. If you are ever out and start to feel dizzy or realize that you are not sweating, while we think that is a good thing, it is actually a way your body is warning you that you are dehydrated, grab a seat in the shade, take off your shoes, get some water and even a nuun if you have one. I love nuun they are like a pill form of Gatorade without all the sugar, you just pop one in  a bottle of water and it can help you hydrate faster than water alone. 

Summers in Texas also means Summer fun! We all think about hitting our favorite swimming holes and watermarks, but did you think about a Segway tour? Probably not, it doesn’t sound like as much fun in the sun. Well, our guides are experienced and know this city very well and know how to find the shade. We also offer a 2 hour Early Bird Special for those of you who want to go on tour before the heat sets in for the day. You can book any of our Segway Tours online here or by calling 512-495-9250. If you want to go in the late afternoon we offer a Bat City Bridge Tour at 6:30 pm when the weather is cooling down again. Check out all of our Segway Tours here.

Well, now matter how you choose to spend summer in Texas I hope it is a fun one and you do at least one Segway tour, even if you’re a local you will learn something new and have a great time.